アリシュタヨーガ 4回 (2010.3~6)
《講義内容》 ポールより
「アリシュタヨーガは不運・不幸のヨーガです。 アリシュタヨーガがホロスコープにどれだけあるかは、 健康問題をみるうえで重要です。 アリシュタヨーガは、それを形成する惑星のダシャーにおいて活性化します。 それは、病気が発症するタイミングでもあります。 このシリーズでは、アリシュタヨーガをどうやって見いだすか、 アリシュタヨーガが病気をもたらすポテンシャルをどう評価するか、 について学びます。講義では、アルツハイマー病、ガン、白血病などの 病気を患ったセレブや一般人のホロスコープを扱います。」
授業形態: インターネット会議システムを用いた遠隔授業です。
アメリカ(ポール)、インド(清水)、日本(受講生)の3ヶ国をつなぎ、清水が逐次通訳・解説します。 受講生はインターネットを介して各自自宅で受講することができます。
対象: インド占星術の基本を一通り学んでいる人
開講: 3月27日 回数: 6回
時間: 午前11:00~12:30
定員: 14名(残り1名) 受講料:3800円/回
Thank you so much for all of the effort you have put into your coursework and classes. You are an incredible teacher, I feel very blessed and I am hoping to take many more classes with you. A.P.
Thank you for the great classes. I am really learning a lot. B.G.
(すばらしいクラスをありがとう。本当に勉強になりました。 B.G.)
Your class was very informative and interesting and I have learned to look at charts in a more systematic way already. J.S.
This was a great class. Great job! G.Z.
What a great class, thank you. I enjoyed your presentation and felt all the material was presented with clarity and simplicity, what a joy! With my most sincere thanks and appreciation. P.G.
Thanks for the really great classes. It is all very clear and well organized. You have plenty of chart examples, and I really like your quotes of classic texts, which make the classes not only informative but inspiring. D.W.
Thank you for the great class on Arishta Yogas. I had several ‘a ha’ moments that really helped me understand the yogas of the planets and how they effect health at all levels. It was fascinating and inspiring to know that such information exists if we know where to look for it. A.G.
セミナー: Ayuruvedic Astrology Retreat, A Seven-Day Healing Intensive (アーユルヴェーダ占星術:7日間ヒーリング集中セミナー@ハワイ)
主催: American College of Vedic Astrology (ACVA)
A Seven-Day Healing Intensive
Sam Bhavan Retreat Center, Kauai, Hawaii May 24th – 31st, 2009
Invited Faculty: Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Tanmay Goswami, Yogini Shambhavi, Christina Collins, Laura Harness, M.A. Dennis M. Harness, Ph.D., Ruth Hartung, Vaughn Paul Manley, M.A., Susie Patterson, M.A., Avani Sukhadia and Komilla Sutton
Beginning and Intermediate / Advanced Learning Tracks will be offered …
This seven-day healing intensive program explores both Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda, helping the student cross-reference and use both disciplines together for healing and counseling purposes. Because the program is integrated with daily yoga and meditation practices, participants will experience the richness of a yogic lifestyle and ayurvedic prepared meals, combined with profound knowledge of the Vedic sciences.
Facility: Sam Bhavan Kauai Retreat
June 1st – Inner Tantric Yoga Workshop
A special all day healing intensive workshop following the seven-day Ayurvedic Astrology Healing Retreat